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Out Now!


Out Now! 〰️


As the world began shutting down last year due to Covid, Bree Whitworth also found herself at the end of a relationship. In lockdown, her main solace was her piano and she took to what she does best, turning her heartbreak into song. This was a different time, however, so working with her longtime producer Winston Hauschild to record the songs took on a new challenge. They wrote the melodies via Zoom calls and built the song structures all completely from a distance. Months later, when restrictions eased up, Bree traveled to the Treehouse Studio on Bowen Island to finally record her vocals to the tracks while still never physically being in the same room as Winston. No hugs or high fives when their long day was done, but they produced two stellar songs nonetheless!

To-date, this West Coast artist has released three albums and numerous singles (under various projects) and has had one of her songs featured on a television series and another recently curated for a music library in Paris, France.

For her two new singles, Bree sticks to her writing roots with honest and heartfelt pop ballads. She gives you full 80s nostalgia reminiscent of Tiffany, the Bangles or Heart with powerful vocals paired with synth-driven melodies. Once again, Bree has a way of taking her listeners on a journey through love, heartbreak and everything in between.